Getting out of Debt

 What is debt? That is one very good question that I am going to pretend to answer, depending on whether or not I get enough phenylalanine within the next 15 minutes. For those of you not in the know, phenylalanine is a component of nutrasweet (or correctly termed. . . forgot) which is responsible for memory loss along with a slew of other undesireable side effects, probably because some bodily byproducts resulting from the digestion of the above stated is a deadly neurotoxin.

  I have a 52 oz. cup that I bought from QT (which is a gas station) and I took the top off because I wanted to crunch ice. Anyways the top rolled away and I really don't feel like getting it.

  Moving on, what is debt? I'm not really sure, but it's some kind of tangible substance. To get "into" debt, you have to take all of the credit card junk mail, and apply for them. Wait 6 months until all of them approve you and the cards arrive through the post. Depending on whether or not you live in a house or apartment, you will have to walk a good distance, so apartment dwellers may decide not to approach debt on this avenue. Instead, those of you in apartments can go straight to the mafia and borrow 1 million dollars and promise to pay back 2 million the next week.

  But back to people who live in houses. When you get your credit cards, go straight to and just go crazy until you max out your cards. Now, after you do this, you're gonna want to get out of the United States as fast as you can, because the I.R.S. is going to have the police busting your door down. If you're like me, and are tired of this shit-hole of a country, then you know that most of the other countries in this world are MUCH better, and we, as Americans have it hard. But now you're in debt. So, you probably are having second thoughts now. And unlike conventional writing, a solution is provided to a problem, especially when the title says that the writing in question is a solution. But since I am not a conventional writer, I'm just gonna go ahead and give you that solution after making you think I wasn't. I lied.
